Construction Industry Forecast Winter 2016 / 2017

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Construction output is expected to grow by 0.8% in 2017 and 0.7% in 2018 according to the latest forecasts by the CPA. In addition, construction output is expected to grow by 2.2% in 2019. However, this growth for the industry over the forecast period masks a considerable degree of variation in the fortunes of the key construction sectors and sub-sectors and key risks to growth over the next three years.

Suggested Reading

The vertical timber citynavigation-arrow

Could entire urban districts soon be comprised of tall timber structures? Peter Wilson explores the timber engineering developments that are creating high-rise possibilities.


Article from Timber 2017 Industry Yearbook

01/03/2017 |  Magazine Article  

A wooden tower: the seeds of an ideanavigation-arrow

Ron Bakker discusses a recent research project on tall timber buildings.


Article from Timber 2017 Industry Yearbook

01/03/2017 |  Magazine Article  

Bracing for non-domestic timber trussed rafter roofsnavigation-arrow

Timber trussed rafters are light-weight structural components which are widely used as an economical means of roof framing.

This guidance document provides information for use by designers to justify the extension and possible modification of extrapolations from the guidance provided in BS 5268-3 for bracing of domestic scale trussed...

01/01/1999 |  Other Technical Guidance